Monday, April 6, 2020

Final Exam Re-edit

If we refilmed anything for our movie my partner and I would have to re-edit. But we did not reshoot any scenes from our movie. But if we had, since we cannot meet up. We probably would have just worked on it over a video chat. But corona has made it so that no one can meet up. No one can even leave their house. This is probably affecting other groups badly. Thankfully we had already finished our movie before corona. But the virus has affected everyone and all of my classes. But it has not affected this one that much.

But corona has made it hard to do anything. But the CCR is individual. This means that I do not have to worry about meeting up with my partner because we can do this from our own houses. But this virus has changed a lot of things. It is making it harder for people to do their work and do what they need to do. Even though corona makes it harder to do things, it is still important to stay home. But for the rest of the project, I can do whatever I need to from home. Even if we could go out I probably would not need to. For this project at least. But my partner and I have nothing to re-edit.

4 Editing Techniques That'll Help You Make a Heart-Pumping Action Sequence

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